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Études de cas

Frame 2449 10

Minifarm Now Manages Prices Across 8 Zones

We adopted Yieldigo, because of its tangible improvements. We could see no other company in the price optimization market that was willing to prove benefits.

Laurentiu Petrica

Executive Director,

Frame 2449 11

Effective Price Management of 4000 SKUs wit hin 2000 product families across 7 Zones

The ease of collaboration, quick decision-making, flexibility, and customer focus demonstrated by Yieldigo are truly impressive.

20241104 photo V.Shainer
Volodymyr Shainer


Frame 2449 7

MAKRO Increased Profit with Pricing

We adopted Yieldigo, because of its tangible improvements. We could see no other company in the price optimization market that was willing to prove benefits.

Marek Haller
Marek Haller

Head of Revenue Management,

Frame 2449 1

SuperPharm Leaders to Incorporate Omnichannel Pricing

Yieldigo is a very professional company. They can do a lot. Only your data is the limit.

Mateusz Remus
Mateusz Remus

Business Analysis and Merchandising Manager,

Frame 2449 2

Predictive Price Management and Bulk Pricing

With the support of Yieldigo, we were able to implement a new approach in our pricing strategies.

Xavier Gardies 1
Xavier Gardies

Chief Commercial Officer,
Metro Cash and Carry Slovakia

Frame 2449 8

Thanks to the Bulk Pricing module from Yieldigo, Koší is able to manage 39% of their SKUs

Yieldigo allows us to manage 39% of our SKUs with just one feature: the Bulk Pricing module.

Josef Hovorak

Head of Pricing,

Cas d'utilisation des clients

Traditional Supermarket


Automation of the pricing process with enhanced pricing strategies controls toward fair prices.

Regional Drugstore

Drugstore & Beauty

Maintaining control over a complex pricing process.

Food Delivery Service


Maintaining control over
a pricing process while lowering labor costs when operating multiple price lists.

Multinational Online Drugstore

Drugstore & Beauty

Control over a complex and dynamic pricing process across 6 countries.

Multi-Banner Grocer


Empowering pricing managers to run glass-box price management, automate and control the overall pricing process.

Multinational Car Parts Distributor

Car Parts & Accessories

Automation and optimized control over a complex pricing process.

Multi-banner Drugstore

Drugstore & Beauty

Automation and optimization of control over a complex pricing process for 2 market banners.

Expanding Online
Grocery Shop


Maintaining control over the pricing process and enhancing the effectiveness of software operations for multiple cities.

Industry-Leading Multichannel Drugstore

Drugstore & Beauty

Managing pricing goals on the category level to achieve desired strategic outcomes on a corporate level.

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