Yieldigo vs. Alternative Pricing Approaches

Very often, retail professionals perform their price management using Excel or some other in house solution. These antiquated systems may be enough in a limited number of cases, but in actuality, they do not come anywhere near the power offered within the full potential of modern ML/AI pricing technologies.

Leveraging the Full Potential of Your Pricing Strategy

Many retailers focus their pricing strategy on cost reduction and driving revenue. But how will they achieve these objectives?

Very often, retail professionals perform their price management using Excel or some other in house solution. These antiquated systems may be enough in a limited number of cases, but in actuality, they do not come anywhere near the power offered within the full potential of modern ML/AI pricing technologies.

At Yieldigo, our years of pricing industry knowledge have shown us that the most effective way to protect your margins in retail is using price optimization based on changes in shopper purchasing behavior.

Are you leveraging the full potential of your Pricing strategy? Yieldigo’s Price Management software enables a more modern, accurate, and effective way to achieve your commercial objectives.

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