Minor app update 4.50

App v4.50 is a minor update focused on improvements in reporting, exports and user management.


Based on client feedback we have added the following columns to the Repricing priority report in the Price Reports module:

  • Volume – Total volume of units sold over the last 30 days
  • Revenue – Total gross revenue of all sales over the last 30 days
  • Profit – Total gross profit of all sales over the last 30 days

01 repricing columns

Repricing priority report is a feature enabled upon request. Please contact our Customer Success or Support team for more details.



According to client feedback, export names rather referred to export types only and it was not always clear what the contents of each export are. From now on, custom export names can be defined for various schedules and all types of exports – Standard, Post-promo, and Custom Export.

02 custom

Custom names are individual for every client and need to be setup by our Support or Integration team upon request. Please contact us in case you are interested in custom export names.



With the growing number of users we are introducing an automated process of inactive user management with the following rules:

  • Standard app users who do not login for more than 90 days will be blocked, they will not be able to login and can be deleted or activated by Admininstrators
  • Users who are granted access to Yieldigo demo environments will be automatically deleted after 90 days

03 users

User Management is accessible to Administrator users only.



  • Price Difference column indicators in reports and exports fixed
  • Bulk Pricing tier discount equal to zero – restrictive validation added
  • Behaviour of expected supplier prices in Bulk pricing fixed
  • Date format in Quantity in baskets fixed

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